Look around your office or professional group. Observe the interactions. You might notice that the way women and men network are significantly different, often causing a disconnect. Generally, men network with a purpose. It is strategic for their professional goals....
As outlined in my last blog, “The Sponsorship Series: An Introduction,” sponsorship can be key to workplace advancement, especially for women. Realizing the value in acquiring sponsorship is the first step to reaping the benefits. Why You Need a Sponsor Whether you’re...
We’ve come to what some would call the main event here in our branding series. Your resume, like I’ve mentioned several times, is a critical part of the branding process. It’s a literal piece of paper that outlines who you are, or, if you will, what your brand is....
You should think of your resume as your golden ticket. Your possible admission into a coveted event. Your resume should show just enough of your personality and skillset that an employer would immediately want to meet you. Short of meeting someone in person, your...
Interviews can be an extremely intimidating process. Hopefully, if you’ve read Part 1 of Branding Your Best Self: The Interview, you feel a bit calmer about the whole experience. These blogs are meant to be used as a resource and a guide to make you feel more...