The Sponsorship Series: How Women Network Differently than Men

The Sponsorship Series: How Women Network Differently than Men

Look around your office or professional group. Observe the interactions. You might notice that the way women and men network are significantly different, often causing a disconnect. Generally, men network with a purpose. It is strategic for their professional goals....
The Sponsorship Series: Sponsors vs. Mentors

The Sponsorship Series: Sponsors vs. Mentors

Some professionals use the terms “mentor” and “sponsor” interchangeably, but they are actually two very different roles that impact careers in different ways. Your relationship with a mentor is generally casual. A good mentor is a sounding board who offers advice and...
The Sponsorship Series: Securing a Career Sponsor

The Sponsorship Series: Securing a Career Sponsor

If you’ve been following my Sponsorship series thus far, you already understand the importance of a professional sponsor. Now you’re probably wondering how you can secure sponsorship and reap the career benefits for yourself. Choose Wisely When searching for a sponsor...
The Sponsorship Series: Why You Need a Sponsor

The Sponsorship Series: Why You Need a Sponsor

As outlined in my last blog, “The Sponsorship Series: An Introduction,” sponsorship can be key to workplace advancement, especially for women. Realizing the value in acquiring sponsorship is the first step to reaping the benefits. Why You Need a Sponsor Whether you’re...